We are glad to inform You that with the beginning of May this year we are starting a realization of the next phases of the investment executed for our investor Victoria Dom S.A. under the trade name „ Miasteczko Nova Ochota” at ul. Łopuszańska in Warsaw. Investor has commissioned us the realization of his latest estate in Warsaw i.e. the second phase of estate – residential building under the name „Circle“, the third phase – residential building under the name „Rectangle“ and the fourth phase – residentail building under the name „Rhomb“.
Investment will be in the future a fully self-suficient „Village in the city“ which combine the modern architecture and conveniet location. We get a special satisfaction from participating in this enterprise which change the currently industrial area into beautiful, modern residential building.
AMConstruction limited liability company limited partnership
ul. Solipska 21 lok. 6
02-482 Warszawa
NIP: 522 316 54 85
E-mail: biuro@amconstruction.pl
Tel: +48 510 852 401