AMConstruction limited liability company limited partnership specializes in general contracting of building investments. The scope of our activities covers, among other things, construction of buildings, in particular residential structures, as well as renovations of industrial and warehouse buildings. From quotation to completion, we can pride ourselves in the quality of the most complicated reinforced concrete constructions. Moreover, our company provides general contracting of demolishing and ground works if necessary.
flats in completed and completed investments
completed investments with a total PC 714495,31 of square meters
apartments under construction
Investment under construction with a total PC of 136503,46 square meters
AMConstruction limited liability company limited partnership has been present on the Warsaw building market for over twenty years. Due to our experience, being famous for high-quality services and knowledge we have been gaining a lot of satisfied business partners, customers, and users. Our experienced managing team, well qualified engineers, excellent knowledge of building industry and cutting-edge technologies along with our own extensive hardware resources contribute to the great success of our projects. Hence, we perform our tasks efficiently and punctually, with unparalleled quality of final results.
AMConstruction limited liability company limited partnership
ul. Solipska 21 lok. 6
02-482 Warszawa
NIP: 522 316 54 85
Tel: +48 510 852 401